LCMS is a speciality division of biochemistry which deals with the quantitative analysis of proteins in blood and urine samples. This technique has numerous applications including newborn screening for various treatable disorders ,quantification of drugs and vitamins,

Immunology tests deal with the detection of antigen and antibodies present in the blood in response to a particular pathogen. These tests are used in infectious diseases, cancers, organ transplantation, and autoimmune disorders.

Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical biochemistry deals with the measurement of analytes, which aims to diagnose and monitor various diseases. This department includes a large number of diagnostic tests that help understand pathogenesis and etiology of different diseases. It is essential for early diagnosis of a disease and also assessment of its therapy efficacy.

This division of pathology deals with estimation of cell counts and study of cell morphology to diagnose various blood disorders ranging from simple infections to cancers. Bone marrow studies bleeding disorder tests and tests related to blood genetic disorders are also performed here using some advanced techniques like flow cytometry and HPLC etc

Clinical Pathology
This division of pathology deals with study of various body fluids like urine, CSF, ascitic fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid etc. The quantitative estimation of cell counts helps in the presumptive diagnosis of various conditions thus helping in the differentiation of infectious from non infectious and malignant causes

This department deals with tests to detect microbes like the bacteria, virus and fungi. Different manual and automated techniques are used to identify the organisms present in blood and body fluid. The antibiotic sensitivity pattern to that particular organism can be obtained for appropriate treatment.

This department deals with the tests related to detect the structural and numerical abnormalities in the chromosomes responsible for various disorders.These tests are used to diagnose a few cancers and genetic disorders.

Molecular Pathology
This department deals with the DNA and RNA based tests for particular genes present in blood, body fluid and tissue. These molecular techniques are used to diagnose and monitor some infectious disease, cancers etc

This is a diagnostic division of pathology that deals with study of cellular elements obtained by minimal invasive procedures like fine needle aspiration of palpable superficial swellings and other studies include morphological study of cells collected using a cyto brush. PAP smear test is the best example. These procedures are quick, efficient and a non-traumatic way of detecting cancers and aid in differentiating from non cancers

This division of pathology deals with study of surgically excised tissue involving microscopic examination using routine and special stains. Ancillary tests like immunohistochemistry, Frozen sections, Immunofluorescence are also used for precise diagnosis. Services of this division play an essential role in diagnosis and prognostication of both cancers and non cancers.