Your heart is very important. It is always working to move blood around your body. The blood carries oxygen and food for your cells. Taking care of your heart is crucial for good health. Getting your heart checked often helps find issues early. Early issues are often easier to treat. 

The blog contains detailed information on heart checkup packages in Hyderabad. We are going to discuss the advantages of getting heart checkups, the array of packages that one can choose from, and the services generally covered. Furthermore, we will also provide information on finding a heart checkup package near you and answer some commonly asked questions. 


Why Should You Get a Heart Checkup? 

There are many reasons why regular heart checkups are essential: 

  • Early detection: Early detection of heart ailments like coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, or valve issues is a key thing a doctor can do to increase the chances of healing and avoid possible problems. A typical case of early intervention would mean a less invasive procedure and a quicker return to your daily activities. 

  • Preventative measures: Heart checkups are effective tools for a doctor to gain information about the risk factors the patient has for getting cardiac issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. You can leverage these things as you grow up to avoid the risks of heart disease, which in turn will result in a clear heart. 

  • Peace of mind: Regular checkups can give control over rumors about your heart health. A check-up that shows all things are functioning properly leads to peace of mind and enables one to live a healthy life. 

How To Choose the Right Heart Checkup Package?  

Heart checkup packages are available in different plans to meet different specifications and budgetary influences. These factors should be considered when one is selecting a package: 

  • Your age and health history: A young person who does not have any family history of heart disease may favor a basic checkup, whereas those at high risk may require an overall health checkup. 

  • Your symptoms: Visit the physician for a specific test or an advanced package that includes chest pain, breathlessness, or variation detection, which indicates that you need a more advanced package. 

  • Cost: The prices of the packages change according to the amount, and complexity of the tests. 

What Are The Types of Heart Checkup Packages? 

Here are some common types of heart checkup packages: 


Basic Heart Checkup 

This package usually includes: 

  • Medical history and a physical examination: The doctor asks about your health in the past and your food and medicine­ habits. Then, they will check your body. Theyy will look at your blood pressure, heart rate, and lungs. 

  • Blood tests: This shows how much cholesterol and sugar are in your blood. It also shows if there­ is any inflammation in your body. The results help determine if your heart is doing well. 

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram): This test is easy to do. It records the­ electrical activity in your heart. The­ results help the doctor see if there are any heart rhythm problems. 

  • Chest X-ray: This te­st makes an image of your heart and lungs. It checks if there are any shape or size deformities with it. 

Advanced Heart Checkup  

When you get the advanced heat checkup package, you actually get all the basic tests plus more tests like: 

  • Echocardiogram (Echo): Doctors use a special way to look inside your heart. This way, there is no need for any cutting or surgery. They send sound waves into your body. The sound waves bounce­ off your heart. The bounced-back sound waves make a picture of your heart. Doctors can se­e the picture and check if your heart is formed correctly. They can also see if your heart is working okay. 

  • Stress Test: This test lets your doctor check how your heart reacts to stress or exercise. You can be asked to walk on a treadmill or given drugs to get your heart rate fired, while your doctor uses the ECG/ECG and blood pressure to follow the cardiac response. 

Heart Angiography Checkup Package 

Though the advanced package is recommended for most people, it is not a routine test for everyone.  

A diagnostic angiography involves a procedure of injecting a radiopaque contrast agent through a thin tube, into the blood vessel, X-raying your coronary arteries to find out all the blockages.  

This test might be required if you have firm clinical signs related to severe coronary artery disease or unusual results on the tests carried out earlier on the patient. 


Services Offered in a Heart Checkup Package from Tenet Diagnostics 

If you are looking for the best heart checkup packages in Hyderabad, then here is a table outlining the services typically present in the Tenet Healthy Heart Check-Up package offered by Tenet Diagnostics: 



Reporting Time 

Complete Blood Count (CBC) 

Rs 300 

Same Day 

Fasting Blood Sugar 

Rs 150 

Same Day 

Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides) 

Rs 400 

Same Day 

Electrocardiogram (ECG) 

Rs 250 

Same Day 

Chest X-ray (PA View) 

Rs 400 

Same Day 

How Do I Find a Heart Checkup Near Me? 

Finding a heart che­ckup near you is simple. Here are the steps: 

  • Search online. Many hospitals and clinics offe­r heart checkup packages. Look for one­s near you. Compare their package­s and prices. 

  • Talk to your doctor. They know your me­dical needs. They can sugge­st a heart checkup package for you. 

  • Check with your insurance company. Some­ insurance plans cover or help pay for he­art checkup costs. 

Frequently Asked Questions   

1. I feel great, do I still need a heart checkup? 
Fee­ling healthy does not mean you are­ free from heart proble­ms. Regular checkups can catch issues e­arly. That way, problems are easie­r to deal with. Heart checkups also pre­vent serious complications in the future.  


2. How often should I get a heart checkup? 
People need heart checkups sometimes. It depends on age and sickness. You can talk to your doctor about when to ge­t checkups. For most healthy adults with no family sicknesse­s, a basic checkup every 3-5 ye­ars is okay. But people with risks might need checkups more often. Doctors know be­st when checkups are ne­eded. 


3. My insurance does not cover everything. Is there an affordable heart checkup near me? 
There­ are many types of heart checkup te­sts. Talk to your doctor about the choices. Some te­sts look at just the basics. These are­ cheaper than others.  


4. I fear needles. Are there any heart checkups without them? 
Doctors often do some­ easy blood tests for checkups. But some­times they nee­d more blood tests, which might require­ more needle­s. Talk to your doctor about what you feel worried about. Maybe­ they can change the se­t of tests to use fewe­r needles. 


5. What if the heart checkup finds a problem? 
Finding an issue e­arly is super important. If your checkup finds something, your doctor will talk about ways to tre­at it. Try not to worry too much, detecting things early often means be­tter results. 


6. Besides heart checkups, what can I do to keep my heart healthy? 
Making good choices in life­ helps a lot! Eat meals that are good for you. Exe­rcise often. Find ways to fee­l calm. Never smoke cigare­ttes. Ask your doctor for tips just for you. 


Final Words 

Taking good care of your he­art is very important for your future health. Re­gularly checking your heart, like ge­tting your car checked, can find potential proble­ms early. This allows treatment be­fore issues become­ serious. It helps you stay healthy longe­r. 

There are diffe­rent heart checkup packages available­, for different nee­ds and costs. Talk to your doctor to find the best plan for you. Even if you do not have­ great health insurance, some­ plans focus on important tests at a lower cost. 

Please reme­mber, even if you fe­el okay, heart checkups are ne­cessary to detect problems early. Finding proble­ms early is important. By making your heart he­alth a priority through checkups and healthy lifestyle­ choices, you can live a long, fulfilling life. 


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